Are hand-knotted rugs superior to hand-tufted rugs?

While hand-tufted rugs are also currently popular for home decor, the quality of hand-knotted rugs is unmatched. Hand-knotting requires greater skill and more time to produce. Hand-knotted rugs last longer due to knot density and do not use noxious glues that may be present in tufted rug backings. Additionally, hand-knotted rug fringe is made of warp strings extended through the rug, while hand-tufted rug fringe is attached to the rug separately.

What is the maximum size rug you can produce?

The maximum size is 22 x 34 feet. A custom loom will need to be built for anything larger.

Do I need a rug pad?

We highly recommend that you use a rug pad for several important reasons:

  • Dyes in rugs may leach out and stain carpets or flooring if there is a wet spill.

  • A rug pad prevents shifting of the rug when it is walked upon, especially on a hard, slick surface. It also helps the rug to lay flat and prevents it from bunching up.

  • A rug pad reduces friction from the floor and extends the life of the rug by protecting the knots. A pad protects the floor too!


Can you mix materials and pile heights?

Yes, multiple yarn types, along with varying pile heights and knot styles, may all be used in the same rug.

How long will it take to produce my rug?

Typical production ranges from three to four months plus air-freight shipping time. NOTE: There may be production delays related to COVID-19, but the factory is continuing to work through the pandemic.


How long will it take to receive my rug?

Delivery times vary. Once your rug is dispatched, we will send you updates and, when available, a tracking number for reference. All deliveries MUST be inspected upon receipt and signed for. NOTE: There may be shipping delays related to COVID-19.


Why is my rug shedding?

Fiber shedding is completely normal for the first few months of use. Shedding will lessen over time and eventually subside.

Will pressure marks go away?

Pressure marks from folding, furniture or other causes will dissipate once the rug adapts.

How can I care for and preserve the life of my rug?

  • Brush or air-vacuum regularly to prevent buildup of dirt and to keep the pile upright. Do not use beater bar vacuums, especially with fringed rugs.

  • Avoid placing your rug in direct sunlight.

  • Rotate rugs periodically.

  • Do not place your rug under heavy furniture or use casters.

  • Blot spills immediately with a damp cloth. Do not rub or use harsh chemicals. Stubborn stains should be removed by a rug cleaning specialist.

  • Professionally repair any fraying or holes immediately to avoid further damage.